We’re a team of part-time, interim and flexible finance directors (FDs). As a firm of Chartered Accountants we’re often asked what makes us different from any other firm of accountants. Well, the clue’s in our title.
We don’t engage in audit or complex tax advice and we look forward rather than back; more interested in what’s going to happen, while at the same time learning lessons from the past.
We are used to working with our clients’ external accountants but we are different, because we become a part of the management team. We’ve also worked in senior positions in industry and commerce and this makes our perspective on business life distinctive; experience based on real decision making.
We use this experience to provide input and advice to ambitious enterprises be they small or larger businesses, owned by the people that run them or by someone else; or either companies, partnerships or charities. They will be ambitious because they want to grow or because they need to survive and emerge from a crisis; because the status quo isn’t good enough.
In summary, you’ll get no nonsense input from people that have “been round the block” and know what it takes to get through a crisis or scale up the business. They will be Chartered Accountants who’ve trained in a good place, obtained lots of relevant experience working in commerce and industry in the UK and abroad and work to the highest standards of professionalism. They have the confidence, charisma, credibility and gravitas to stand up for your business and can deal with bankers and lawyers, customers and suppliers and the revenue authorities as required.
They’ll also know how technology can potentially make a big difference to your results, what your industry’s about and what drives its value and how this level of intelligence and knowledge can be applied to your business to make it more valuable.
Driving any business forward is not just about the finances. It’s about the people within that business and how to get the best out of them; how you keep hold of the really good ones. It’s about building long-term relationships with customers and suppliers and managing risk. It’s about taking decisions based on solid information and analysis and being clear in your objectives.
If you have this forward looking professional support for your business already, working alongside you on a regular basis, then you’ve made a good choice but, from our experience, it’s not that common and often lonely at the top. Do you have an Accounts department – recording the numbers, generally backwards looking, or a Finance department – forward looking, pro-active and working alongside you in the board room? If you think you are missing out or need an experienced trusted adviser IN the team, then we can help and we’d be delighted to talk to you.
We’ll agree a way for you to pay us. That might be on a time basis, on success, or at agreed stages. There are no guarantees in this life but we’re confident that we’ll pay for ourselves through higher profits, better cash flow and ultimately a higher business valuation.